The Allure Group in New York City Partners With Vohra Physicians
The Allure Group in New York City, NY is a corporation that has chosen to partner with Vohra Wound Physicians in all 6 of its skilled nursing facilities. This standardized approach to wound management includes weekly wound rounds from a Vohra physician along with the physician’s wound documentation for each resident treated. The Vohra physicians and facility nursing staff also meet regularly to discuss the care plans and wound healing progress for the residents.
In addition, Vohra’s executive team and clinical affairs division hold quarterly service reviews with The Allure Group’s Clinical Executives to review wound healing outcomes and program efficiencies and protocols. Through this partnership, both teams can feel confident all residents with wound and skin issues are getting top-level care.
Allure Group Chief Clinical Officer Faina Kaganov said, “Having a standardized approach to wound management with our partners at Vohra Wound Physicians has allowed The Allure Group facilities to avoid having any wound-related deficiencies since partnering together three years ago”
Two of The Allure Group facilities have also received Vohra Wound Physicians’ top honor of becoming a Vohra Center of Excellence for Wound Management. Crown Heights Center in Brooklyn and Bedford Center in Brooklyn have both achieved the certification by achieving superior healing results. They each have a wound-related hospitalization rate of less than one percent over the last year and have a Vohra wound certified nurse on staff.

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