Have Your EHR automate with ours.
Inquire about bringing a Vohra Wound Physician into my Facility.
Vohra’s revolutionary wound care software is compatible with most post-acute care electronic record systems.
PCC Integration
Improved Outcomes
Reduce Hospitalizations
Better efficiencies and Save Money
Our Solutions Support:
- MatrixCare
- Swift
- And More!

Designed by Doctors:
- Tailored for seamless wound care delivery and Medicare and state compliant physician documentation
- Avoid lawsuits and CMP fines
- Physician experts provide the wound care
- EHR meets all current healthcare regulatory, HIPAA and HITECH requirements

Bedside care by physicians who recommend outcomes-based and cost-effective care
AI/Machine Learning based on 6 million wound cases supports optimal treatment recommendations for better patient results and sets reasonable patient and family expectations.

Enjoy a great, sustainable career with Vohra Wound Care Physicians
Transitioned plastic surgeons can earn competitive earnings without having to worry about the stress that comes with running a business. They can stay updated in plastic surgery research topics and advancements and remain relevant among their colleagues. And of course, transitioned surgeons have free time to do the things that make them happy—something that was taken from them starting in residency. Take control of your career and contact us today.