Vohra Wound Care Institute, developed by the most trusted wound care solution in the US, offers exclusive Wound Care Physician Training to physicians around the globe. Elevate your career while you:
- Train with the leading US Wound Care provider
- Receive 1-on-1 mentorship and participate in virtual rounds with a current Vohra physician
- Gain unlimited, lifetime access to 28 wound care learning modules
- Be the first to know about the latest wound care developments, webinars and exclusive events
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By completing this form, you will receive more information about Vohra Wound Care Institute and our upcoming training programs.

Who is eligible?
Licensed physicians who are interested in learning more about wound care are eligible to apply. Physicians around the world are invited to participate. Scholarships may be available to those who qualify.
How do I apply?
It only takes a few minutes to apply. Just fill out the form with your contact information and we will contact you with more details about our upcoming Wound Care Physician Training programs.

Which topics does the Vohra Wound Care Institute cover?
- Wound Assessment and Measurement
- Healthy Skin
- Acute Wounds
- Aging
- Chronic Wounds
- Atypical Wounds
- Practical Applications and Considerations
- Procedures
- Infection Prevention and Control Policies and Guidelines
- Pain Control
- Management of Mental Health
- Other Medical Professionals associated with wound care in LTCFs
- Long Term Care Facility Environment
- State Surveys
- Telemedicine and Wound Care
- Wound Care Home Visits
- Procedures
How much is the Wound Care Physician Training?
The program is priced at $3,999 but you can take advantage of our limited-time offer: $2,499 with promocode PANDEMIC due to the worldwide COVID-19 crisis. This course was developed by practicing wound care physicians with decades of experience in wound care.