Wound Care Physician and Family Traveler. The Best of All Worlds.
Dr. Rizwan Kalwar trained in general surgery in the New York metropolitan area. His story reveals how he discovered Vohra Wound Physicians and why it’s been such a great fit for him and his family for over twelve years.
Two Doctors and a Baby
A household of two doctors with their first baby on the way meant upcoming changes were necessary. Dr. Kalwar trained in general surgery and his wife was an oncologist. Yet when he finished residency, he didn’t find a position that really spoke to him.
As he continued his career quest, the couple’s first child arrived. Dr. Kalwar took advantage of his new parent status by staying home with his baby son for the first six months while he continued to review traditional surgery positions. Along the way, he discovered Vohra and eventually joined.
At Vohra, Dr, Kalwar’s income and lifestyle are on par with his expectations when he joined. An added benefit: he’s never on call and he has the flexibility to take time off whenever he wants, so coordinating vacation time with his wife’s schedule is easy.
Dr. Kalwar’s initial opportunity with Vohra was in Connecticut. From his home in New York City, Dr. Kalwar navigated a weekly commute that made optimal use of his time. While it worked quite well, he and his wife decided to move to Connecticut anyway after a few years. Later, as kindergarten approached for his son, a new question surfaced: should he start school in Connecticut or should they move closer to family in Florida. Their answer? “Hello, Florida!”
“My wife is an oncologist. She’s on call every third weekend,
but I’m not. I’m sure she’d rather not be on call.”
- Dr. Rizwan Kalwar, MD, General Surgeon and Vohra Wound Physician
A Day in the Life
Because his work day starts at a “normal” hour, Dr. Kalwar’s first duty is at home. He makes sure his two sons have breakfast and helps them get ready for school.
He then reaches out to his first building before arriving so he knows what to expect and to keep his day on track. He has found that if his work takes longer in the first building, it impacts the rest of his schedule.
In a typical day, he travels to three or four buildings and sees five to ten patients at each, so being organized and efficient is a priority. Like many doctors, he used to take work home with him and spent night and weekends doing paper work.
“I do my notes prior to leaving the facility, then it’s done.
Nothing to do with them during the evening at home.”
Daily Procedures, Weekly Commute
Dr. Kalwar has planned each day as a large, circular commute to visit the various buildings in his practice. On site, he performs bedside procedures including debridement and biopsies. These procedures are a definite advantage to patients because they don’t need to be transported to the hospital, especially important for patients that are too ill to move.
His usual weekly hours look something like this: Monday, 9-5; Tuesday, 9-2; Wednesday 8-7; Thursday 9-2; and on Fridays he gives his nurse control, so it’s typically 9 until noon or 1 pm.
“We’re able to do procedures in-facility, rather than
send the patient to the hospital, which is what
other facilities that don’t have Vohra have to do”.
EMR, the Vohra Difference
Working with Vohra’s proprietary EMR is a real advantage says Dr. Kalwar. There’s no “fluff” because it’s focused on wound care and the relevant details. He knows from experience that Vohra makes ongoing upgrades and refinements to improve its note-taking efficiency.
Vohra’s intake team also plays a crucial role by processing demographics. This not only helps him get through his notes quicker, but gives him the ability to prepare for the next day.
As for patient load, Dr. Kalwar sees between 150 and 175 patients each week. He personally believes 150 is “great”.
“The last thing Vohra wants is for us to take work home.”
Planning the Next Destination
Dr. Kalwar and his wife live to travel. That’s their passion. A typical weekend means relaxing at home with the kids — and talking about their next vacation destination. His wife really wants to go to Croatia, but Dr. Kalwar is partial to Thailand, especially since his brother went there recently and loved it. It’s also a more cost-effective trip. Wherever they ultimately decide, he’s sure his family is going to have a great vacation in 2021.