Vohra Physician Brings Online Education to Life
The Vohra Wound Care Certification Course “came to life” last week in Maryland. Vohra Physician Kathryn Hoskins, M.D. hosted a “Wound-a-Thon.” Nine nurses, representing six of Vohra’s partnering skilled nursing facilities, took part in the one-day event. The event brought the online education to life with Dr. Hoskins offering her own lessons and guiding the nurses through the course.
“There were a number of nurses, that I work with at various facilities, that wanted more education in wound care,” said Hoskins. “The nurses kept saying that they would be interested in doing the Vohra Certification Course. So, I decided to host an event to give them the dedicated time to make it happen.”
Hoskins helped guide the nurses through all 13 online education modules at www.cert.vohrawoundcare.com. “The technology worked well where we could watch the modules all on one TV together,” Hoskins said. “And, everyone had their phone or tablet to answer the quiz questions.”
By, the end of the day, all nine participating nurses became Vohra Wound Care Certified.
Longview Healthcare Center Director of Nursing Krisie Chrobot is one of the newly Vohra Certified Nurses. “The event was very conducive to learning,” said Chrobot. “Dr. Hoskins made everyone feel welcome. I had previously taken a wound care course through another company. However, I feel the way the information was presented through Vohra’s program was geared more to the staff that actually takes care of the wounds. Very refreshing!”
Citizens Care of Frederick Wound Care Nurse Angie Smitherman agrees it was a worthwhile event. “Gathering with a group of wound nurses and sharing your experiences with one another, while doing these modules, was a great way to learn new techniques. Some I had either not heard of or had been leery about trying. This program is a great jump start for a new wound nurse. Even the experienced and seasoned wound nurse will learn new things and also be reminded of things they forgot they knew.”
“I would highly recommend for more nurses to take the Vohra wound care course,” said Chrobot. “The information is presented clearly and concisely, and they made it easy to understand. Having it all presented in 1 day was perfect. It was a great experience, and I am so glad I was able to participate.”
In addition to each nurse receiving Vohra Certification, their individual facilities are now on the path to becoming Vohra Centers of Excellence for Wound Management. Since the event, five of the facilities have now qualified for Vohra’s annual certification.
Pictured L to R: Dr. Kathryn Hoskins- Vohra Physicians; Krisie Chrobot- Longview; Heather Muller- Longview; Denise Connolly- Frederick Health; Angie Smitherman- Citizens Care; Barbara Baugher- Pleasant View; Breck Place- Fahrney Keedy; Mark Andrews- Hagerstown; Anna Deyo- Fahrney Keedy; Brittany Crown- Pleasant View