Did you know Vohra Wound Physicians Serve Nationwide?
Did you know Vohra Wound Physicians provide services in more than 2,500 skilled nursing facilities nationwide?
Our physicians are hard at work making a difference with the residents at these facilities in 25 states to ensure the following:
Optimize Outcomes
We are dedicated to improving the quality of care provided in the post-acute community. That is why the creation of our Centers of Excellence for Wound Management Program is important to our mission. Led by Vohra physicians and Vohra Wound-Certified Nurses within our client skilled nursing facilities, the program ensures quality care is brought to the resident’s bedside.
Prevent Hospitalizations
According to the Lewin Group Study on Vohra Wound Outcomes by the Ostomy Wound Management Journal, our rates in the reduction of hospitalization within each client facility are significant. By having a Vohra physician as a part of an interdisciplinary team, wound-related hospitalizations decrease by 88%.
Reduce Costs
Vohra’s physician services come at no cost to the facilities. Physician services are excluded from consolidated billing. Using a Vohra wound physician at the bedside, saves Medicare more than $19,000 per patient, according to the Lewin Group Study.
Want to learn more about joining our Centers of Excellence Program? Visit here: https://cert.vohrawoundcare.com